Execute your Selenium script from Jenkins
There are multiple ways to integrate Selenium with Jenkins. In these step, I will use “Windows batch” file to execute. Step 1: create a Selenium script eg. @Test //TestNG...
There are multiple ways to integrate Selenium with Jenkins. In these step, I will use “Windows batch” file to execute. Step 1: create a Selenium script eg. @Test //TestNG...
Consider following code snippet for “NoSuchElementException” condition in Selenium WebDriver driver; driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.get(“http://www.google.co.in”); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 20); By addItem = By.name(“q”); WebElement element...
In earlier post, POM framework was identified which segregates verification and page objects identification under different classes (Page and workflow classes). With this approach, data is still manually entered...
One can always interact with page objects using Selenium webdriver something like this: public class myFirstWebDriver() { @Test public void validate_login_page() { WebDriver wd = new FirefoxDriver(); wd.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);...
While designing “Automation frameworks” following are some of pitfalls to avoid to keep “Low maintenance” of scripts: Avoid test scripts with local test data Generally seen in module driven...
Today all businesses need to release new versions to market frequently with short time to meet technology changes, meet diverse needs of global customers, improved User experience, bring in...
BDD advantages and disadvantages The main BDD advantages are: Reduce waste: BDD is focused on discovering and developing features that brings high business value, so any feature that does...