Interacting with DOM based on tool tip text
Using CSS selectors and requesting developers to put alt-text on all charts I need to interact with. In the DOM, you’ll see the alt-text as “aria-label” attributes, so you...
Using CSS selectors and requesting developers to put alt-text on all charts I need to interact with. In the DOM, you’ll see the alt-text as “aria-label” attributes, so you...
public void pressAndroidMenu(AppiumDriver driver) { AndroidDriver androidDriver = (AndroidDriver) driver; androidDriver.pressKey(new KeyEvent(AndroidKey.MENU)); }
The procedure to run the .sh file shell script on Linux is as follows: Set execute permission on your script:chmod +x To run your script, enter:./script-name-here.shAnother option is...
What is the difference between initiating appium driver by using this: driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(""), capabilities); Abd driver = new AppiumDriver(url, desiredCapabilities); RemoteWebDriver: This driver class comes with...