BDD with Picocontainer
<a href=”http://defectracker.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/picocontainer7z.txt”>BDD with Picontainer example project with TestNG</a>
How to start Appium server using AppiumDriverLocalService
To use this method to start Appium server, you need to first make sure that the following pre-requisites are met – Node.js should be installed on your machine Appium...
Appium drivers
XCUITest (iOS) XCUITest Real devices (iOS) UIAutomation (iOS) UIAutomation Safari Launcher (iOS) UIAutomator (Android) UIAutomator2 (Android) Espresso (Android) Selendroid (Android) = http://selendroid.io/quickStart.html Windows = The Windows Driver supports testing...
How to get UDID of iOS device
Following code snippet demonstrates how to capture UDID for iOS device: ———————————————————————– public ArrayList getIOSUDID() throws InterruptedException { try { String getIOSDeviceID = commandPrompt.runCommand(“idevice_id –list”); String lines = getIOSDeviceID.split(“\n”);...
Initializing iOS or Android drivers
public static Appiumdriver driver; AppiumServiceBuilder serviceBuilder = new AppiumServiceBuilder().usingAnyFreePort(); service=AppiumDriverLocalService.buildService(serviceBuilder); service.start(); driver = (isTargetAndroid()) ? getAndroidDriver(service.getUrl(), false, false) : getIOSDriver(service.getUrl(), false, false); where isTargetAndroid() is a private method in...
Selenium drivers for Mobile automation
RemoteWebDriver: This driver class comes directly from the upstream Selenium project. This is a pretty generic driver where initializing the driver means making network requests to a Selenium hub...