
Maven properties

${project.basedir} => location where the current pom.xml file is located.

${project.build.directory} => This represents by default the target folder.

${project.build.outputDirectory} => This represents by default the target/classes folder.

${project.build.testOutputDirectory} => This represents by default the target/test-classes folder.

${project.build.sourceDirectory} => This represents by default the src/main/java folder.

${project.build.testSourceDirectory} => This represents by default the src/test/java folder.

${project.build.finalName} => This is by default defined as ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.

${project.version} => This can be used at locations where you have to write a literal version otherwise, in particular if you are in a multi-modules build for inter modules dependencies.

${user.home} / ${java.home} => Java system properties